
18-in-1 pure-castile soap almond 120ml

This soap offers more than 18 possibilities of use…

4.90 €5.99 €Official price

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SKU: BRON-004 Categories: , ,


The saponified oils clean gently and naturally, without being greasy, and are certified from controlled organic cultivation according to the “National Organic Standards” programme. The soaps are biodegradable, vegan and are bottled in 100% recycled plastic.

This soap is versatile, which is especially advantageous when travelling with light luggage.

The brand suggests 18 areas of application: for the care of the body, hands, face, teeth, for cleaning cosmetic brushes, as animal shampoo, as washing-up liquid and much more. Thus, Dr. Bronner has developed a product with which you can clean yourself and everything around you in a natural way without synthetic foaming agents, thickeners and preservatives.

About the brand:

The remarkable history of Dr. Bronner’s dates back to the 19th century, namely to the year 1858, when the Heilbronner family started making soap. A few years later, the family invented the first liquid olive oil soap and supplied it to washrooms throughout Germany. The company was founded in 1948 by Emanuel (Emil), who emigrated to the USA in 1929. After the war, which caused Emil to remove “Heil” from his name, Dr. Bronner’s soap became the cult soap of its time. Young people are enthusiastic about the call for peace that can be read on the brand’s labels.

The company is the first manufacturer to commit itself to a zero-waste strategy by using 100% recycled plastic bottles.