Cocoa Criollo Nibs in gift glass 50g

“The food of the gods”.

5.95 €

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SKU: MYCOCOA Category:


My Cocoa Criollo NIBS are made from 100% organic Peruvian Criollo cocoa beans. Because of their high nutritional value and many health benefits, cocoa beans were also called “food of the gods” by the Incas. The beans are broken and fermented naturally without any additives. Due to the particularly gentle processing, the nibs are rich in nutrients. The nibs can be enjoyed during baking, for nibbling or as an addition e.g. in muesli. Well then, happy tasting! 🙂

Contrary to what the name suggests, these are not sweet chocolate pieces.

About the brand:

Coffee&Flavor, founded in 2000, is a small Austrian family business from Wolfpassing in Lower Austria. For years one of the leading importers of coffee, tea & coffee shop products in Austria, the company offers a wide range of selected organic products in addition to a wide selection of well-known brands. The Coffee&Flavor also produces exclusive products according to its own recipes.